Whoda thunk it was possible? Our orange haired commander in chief has somehow served to galvanize support IN FAVOR of trans people!!!
What this author finds particularly wonderful is that, of course, that was not his intention. I had a suspicion that his antics would serve to boomerang, but truthfully, I never saw this coming.
This from the guardian.com:
There was also rare defiance from Republicans in Congress. Senator Orrin Hatch, up for re-election soon in Utah, hardly a liberal bastion, said: “I don’t think we should be discriminating against anyone. Transgender people are people, and deserve the best we can do for them.”
Orrin Hatch speaking in favor of transgender people? Is it July? Is it snowing where you are 'cause it's a freaking blizzard outside my window in otherwise balmy Virginia.
Trump is being laughed at the world over (again, I know, it just keeps happening) for his wanting to ban trans folks from the US military.
Canada's military mocks him: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2017/07/26/canadian-armed-forces-takes-dig-at-trump-over-transgender-milita_a_23049738/
Bad asses from the Navy are speaking out:
And other parts of the world show how, once again, America is far less progressive:
This is all great news for trans folks and for those of us who include trans folks among our loved ones. DJ is only a few years short of a decade since her official transition and I'm ecstatic about how the world is changing. We ain't where we should be yet, but Trump is helping to pave the way!!
Thanks President Oompa Loompa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ja8V8Mf4xLs
What this author finds particularly wonderful is that, of course, that was not his intention. I had a suspicion that his antics would serve to boomerang, but truthfully, I never saw this coming.
This from the guardian.com:
There was also rare defiance from Republicans in Congress. Senator Orrin Hatch, up for re-election soon in Utah, hardly a liberal bastion, said: “I don’t think we should be discriminating against anyone. Transgender people are people, and deserve the best we can do for them.”
Orrin Hatch speaking in favor of transgender people? Is it July? Is it snowing where you are 'cause it's a freaking blizzard outside my window in otherwise balmy Virginia.
Trump is being laughed at the world over (again, I know, it just keeps happening) for his wanting to ban trans folks from the US military.
Canada's military mocks him: http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2017/07/26/canadian-armed-forces-takes-dig-at-trump-over-transgender-milita_a_23049738/
Bad asses from the Navy are speaking out:
And other parts of the world show how, once again, America is far less progressive:
This is all great news for trans folks and for those of us who include trans folks among our loved ones. DJ is only a few years short of a decade since her official transition and I'm ecstatic about how the world is changing. We ain't where we should be yet, but Trump is helping to pave the way!!
Thanks President Oompa Loompa https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ja8V8Mf4xLs